Furniture Design Special design Bosch license Special design and high antenna Dedicated product and bag pack ...
“We shape a new era of world - sustainable, safe & exciting "

Live sustainable #LikeABosch
Now is the time to make your building fit for the demands of the future! At sky Bosch , we use the achievements of Technology to help our customers weld faster, more efficiently .
Discover Sky
SKY is A Gas Pressure Welding Product based on New Bosch Technology
Type: Gas Pressure Welding
Brand: Sky Bosch
Technology: Germany
Options: Wireless Control

Design Of Bosch
Bosch Original parts ; With lifetime warranty.

Wireless Control
Our Technology
Wireless Control
Mobile App Control

Sky bosch
New Gas pressure welding
technology from Bosch Available to several countries

Provide sales and training certification to agents.

Mark Johnson
Chairman of the board of management
For us, sustainability is the framework within which we consistently act in an economically, ecologically, and socially responsible manner. That's why our innovations not only make our products better and better, but also more and more sustainable. With skybosch power tools, you can actively contribute to a much more environmentally friendly lifestyle and greater resource preservation. With #LikeABosch, we show you how easy it is.
Blog & News
It is a long established fact that Sky Bosch is Bestest.
Why You Should Use skybosch?
the speedy welding by skybosch the performance of the speedy the performance of the speedy welding by skybosch Better in per ...
High accuracy in carrying out construction projects
Build the Sky Build the Sky with new Bosch technology from Germany #Best quality #Many possibilities #Easy to use #Cost-effective #High build quality Only ...